
Sunday, November 30, 2014

Kinders can keep track of their own goals!

I have been searching for a good way for my little ones to keep track of how they are doing on their own. We have some "club" type posters around the room that they sign when they are able to do things like tie their shoes or say their address, but there had to be a way to teach them to be responsible for their academic goals as well. At my recent visit to the Indy Kindergarten Conference, DeeDee Wills mentioned using graphs for kids to track their own progress. It was one of those moments that I though--why didn't I think of that! So after some hours and several cups of highly caffeinated tea--here it is.

After setting a goal with my kinder, she is coloring in her graph to show me what she can do. Depending on the goal, I plan to check these at least every couple of weeks. We'll see how it goes!

Check it out at my TPT store and see what you think!

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